Monday, September 16, 2019

Privacy Much ??

By definition, privacy is "the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people." A celebrity might define privacy as "the state of being free from public attention."

Social media has continued to grow and has become a part of our everyday lives. Society stays connected with the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whether it is at work or even at school. Although social media has been beneficial, it also caused personal privacy to be put into danger.

There are perks to being a celebrity, yet in my opinion celebrities do not receive their right to their privacy. Well-known celebrities have every bit of their life, whether they choose to put it on social media or not. There have been incidents where an individual's personal photos were hacked and shared with the internet.

Of all things that I want private in my life, the thing I want the most privacy for would be my medical records. I feel as if no one but yourself, your doctor and close family should know about your health or medical records.

Here is a link to celebrity Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) failures: Celebrities' Medical Records are being snooped

Attempting to access someone's private information is over the top in my opinion. Are people really that desperate to know information that has nothing to do with themselves?

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