Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Can you trust MSM ?

Mainstream Media (MSM): is a term and abbreviation used to refer to the principal/dominant course, tendency, or trend. It can be included in newspaper and broadcast media and is sometimes used to "represent government and corporate interests." This is why the quality of the media's coverage is important. The media presents us with information and alert us when important events occur, which may affect what we think and the actions we take. The media can also put pressure on the government to act by signaling a need for invention or showing that citizens/individuals want a change.

Some examples of mainstream media include NBC, CNN, CBS News, and FOX News channel.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, propaganda is "The systematic dissemination of information, esp. in a biased or misleading way, in order to promote a political cause or point of view."

Mainstream media is presumed to be reliable, yet trust in the media is down. According to Lost trust in the media, "When people were asked why they don't trust the media, about 45 percent referred to things like inaccuracy bias, "fake news," and "alternative facts," the latter two being common descriptions given by Donald Trump and members of his administration...About 10 percent of those surveyed also mentioned sensationalism, "clickbait," or hype as a negative factor."

Many people have mixed feelings about trusting mainstream media. Some think the news is becoming less concerned about ethical practices and focusing more on money and ratings.

Trusting MSM?, is a video link to famous YouTuber's speaking on how they feel about trusting mainstream media.

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