Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. It is the tendency to process information by looking for information that is consistent with one's existing beliefs.

      I learned from the presentation that during an election, people are tended to search for positive information that sheds a light on their favored candidate; doing the opposite for other candidates. People will search for information that will only support their beliefs and values. According to Dean Yeong, "Confirmation bias is a common mental error occur when a pre-existing belief interferes the way we think , make decisions, and take actions. When we have a belief or hypothesis in mind that we think it's true, consciously or unconsciously, we are more likely to seek more evidence to prove it right." and "Seeking to confirm our beliefs comes naturally."

Social media is becoming a primary source of news within the United States, making it easier to spread misinformation. As I was reading more into confirmation bias, I found a "lesson" on Confirmation & Other Biases. I believe this is a great content for those who want to do a quick knowledge check on confirmation bias and others.

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